Saturday 26 February 2011

On Counsilling...

After a little understanding I returned to my counciller a few days ago. It was very helpful, she simply joined a few dots for me without blaming my parents for everything that's going wrong with me...

It got quite emotional, but I left feeling good. I've been ordered to do something nice for myself which no-one else benefits from...may be going underwear shopping this week. Time for a pair that matches yes?!

Hehe, anyway...Getting into the new semster now, steady work flow coming in which is good, getting tired of this lazy butt sitting staring at YouTube and such all day!

Friday 4 February 2011

On Birthdays...

Today is the party for my friends birthday...I'm all dressed up. And I feel quite good, it's a steampunk outfit that I adore. I love steampunk yes!

Also, I have decided to pick a career choice and stick to it.
I was thinking about Comic Book Writer and Tattooist, well why not try for both!! When I leave university, I intend to be poor just a little bit longer and aim to grab an apprenticeship in a tattoo parlour...Expansion of portfolio is needed...

Right now I am also enjoying floating around the dating sites. It's just a bit of fun getting to know new people, it's too early to be looking for anything serious! There are some very nice and mad people, had a few giggles with some comic fans...mostly about spiderman and how no-one talks about webspinning from his behind...I mean, that's where real spiders webs comes from!

Anyway, half an hour until all our friends are here. One last sweep of the house and I'm going out for a good time, enjoy your weekends all :P

Wednesday 2 February 2011

On Relationships...

What a waste of time...Yes your right, it's just the sound of the newly single.

Although, I thought I would have a hard time accepting it...certain circumstances following the break-up have allowed me to be more if not completely confident with my decision...and that makes me feel both happy and sad.

Happy, because I know I did the right thing for myself

Sad, because I knew this is the kind of person I had put myself beside

I'm hoping this person understands soon that if they don't change they're going to lose people forever, but I doubt that, I've never known this person to genuinely blame themselves for anything that goes wrong with their's always other people that seem to have screwed them over, nothing ever connects to their own behaviour...well, there was this one time yesturday. But it was still a cry for attention, or for a response...some sympathy I don't really count it.

Ah, look at me babble about silly teenage boys...I'm so jealous of my mothers generation, the last lot of decent men! I hope I don't have to wait as long as she did to find my Mr. Right...let's face it, it took her 40 years...

The thing is, people tell you, "you're a beautiful girl, you'll find a new man easy!" - yes, but that's not my problem, the men...well boys, are all unrespectful dolts who don't deserve the girl they get...I'm not saying there are no nightmare girlfriends...because my god there definitely are! But there are far too many of both sex that play about "Hey, I'm only so old, I don't want to be tied down!" So it's a short term relationship...maybe it'll only last six months...I'd still demand respect.