Wednesday 5 January 2011

On Life Changing...

Hello All,

My christmas has been full of confidence battering. I came home for a rest from my studies, well sort of, I had a essay to write a animation to draw and I needed to find out what I had to do for another project.

University has been taking its toll on me, but being in the second year and halfway done, quitting university is a stupid idea at this stage. I have a dissertation proposal to write when I get back, and I haven't any idea what I want to specialise in. This film is a digital arts course, so you can produce anything you want in any digital format; films, photography, websites, games, is incredibly vast. I went in for the film part, but after studying that with everything else, I'm not so sure now.

I find film quite boring now, I used to enjoy films, but ever since I've started this course, I've torn the films apart and can't look at them as a typical audience and not a critic. All of us take watching a film too seriously now, "that shot doesn't look like" or "the colours are wrong" and it furiates me.

So now I am stuck with what I want to do. What I do know is that I love to draw; if I'm drawing I'm happy. So maybe Graphic Novel Writing, Tattooing, Make-up Art, Game Art, Animation...Even a little photography...

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